Compliance Management and B3S implementation at HDZ NRW using Compliance Aspekte

#GRC tool
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GRC Tool

About the client 

Heart and Diabetes Center NRW (HDZ NRW) is a renowned medical institution located in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. It specializes in providing comprehensive diagnosis, therapy, and rehabilitation services for heart and diabetes-related conditions. As a leading facility in Europe, HDZ NRW operates in a highly regulated environment and is subject to regular audits to ensure compliance with various healthcare regulations. 

Five years ago, HDZ NRW recognized the need for a robust governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) tool to enhance their compliance management efforts. They sought a solution that would streamline their audit preparation, demonstrate adherence to regulations, and consolidate data from different asset management tools used across various departments. 

“Compliance Aspekte has many good features like external integrations, the central database with backup, and it’s very easy and fast to use. The support from the Compliance Aspekte team is very good, and if we need any additional functionality, they engineer it specifically for us.”

Thorsten Krian, Head of IT, Heart and Diabetes Center NRW 

Project Requirements 

Centralized Compliance Management: HDZ NRW required a tool that could centralize their compliance management efforts, allowing them to monitor and ensure adherence to regulations efficiently. 

Integration Capabilities: The center had different tools in place across departments for asset management, and they sought a solution that could integrate data from these disparate sources. Compatibility and integration capabilities were crucial for effective implementation. 

Time-Efficient Documentation: HDZ NRW emphasized the importance of a tool that facilitated quick and streamlined documentation, as time was of the essence in their busy healthcare environment. 


HDZ NRW currently utilizes Compliance Aspekte as a foundational tool for their security management and implementation of B3S regulations. The system has helped them to efficiently manage compliance requirements, prepare for audits, and demonstrate adherence to regulations.  

HDZ NRW is considering expanding their use of Compliance Aspekte to implement additional standards in the future. 

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