Jul 23, 2024 | Blog
PIA or DPIA: What’s the Difference? 

The ongoing changes in the digital space during the last decade eventually brought privacy concern into new legislation requiring organizations to run Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessments.

Jul 15, 2024 | Blog
Preparing for TISAX® audit: Key checklist for businesses

To get a TISAX® label, your company needs to go through the TISAX® audit. How to implement TISAX® and conduct a TISAX® audit? Who is involved in the audit? How does a TISAX audit work? We will answer these questions and more about the TISAX® audit in this article.

Jun 12, 2024 | Blog
TISAX® requirements: How can companies meet them?

In the automotive industry, a lot of sensitive information is handled daily, such as personal data, technical data, supplier data, and business information. To safeguard this data from being accessed, changed, or destroyed without permission, a strong security strategy is crucial.

Apr 25, 2024 | Release notes
Compliance Aspekte 9.3: AI Magic, Master-Child Concepts Relations, New Dashboards, NIST report, and more.

Compliance Aspekte is excited to announce the release of version 9.3, which introduces a range of new features designed to streamline and enhance the compliance management process.

Oct 31, 2023 | Release notes
Compliance Aspekte 9.2: GPT enablement, Integration with Azure and SAP infrastructures, enhanced ASPICE reporting, and more

Compliance Aspekte Launches Version 9.2 with Innovative Features for Enhanced IT Security and Compliance

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